This giveaway is operated and promoted by Emma – The Sleep Company Ireland (Emma Sleep GmbH, Wilhelm-Leuschner-Str. 78, 60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany). The giveaway will run from 09:00AM GMT on December 19th, 2024 (the Opening Date) to 00:00 GMT on December 19th, 2024 (the Closing Date).
Giveaway and Data Protection: By entering the giveaway, you (as the Entrant) agree that your full name, email address and mobile number (if provided), and full delivery address will be used by Emma – The Sleep Company and Keogh’s Farm Ireland for the purpose of fulfilling this giveaway and for the purpose of receiving marketing contact if you the Entrant have selected to opt-in. Confirmation of Acceptance: By submitting your entry to this Promotion, you confirm that you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions and agree to be bound by them. Please retain a copy for your information.
Emma – The Sleep Company may request further personal information to the extent necessary to fulfil the prize. You agree that your personal data will be used by Emma - The Sleep Company and Keogh’s Farm Ireland to complete the giveaway. Any personal data collected by Emma – The Sleep Company will be processed in accordance with Emma – The Sleep Company’s privacy policy.
Your email address and any other personal details that you the Entrant provide for this Competition will only be used and processed by Emma – The Sleep Company and Keogh’s Farm Ireland for the purpose of operating and managing this giveaway and for the purpose of marketing contact. Emma – The Sleep Company will process your personal information in accordance with its privacy policy.
Any questions, comments or complaints regarding the giveaway must be directed to
Eligibility: To be eligible to enter the Giveaway, you the Entrant must:
a. be eighteen (18) years or over;
b. be an Irish resident;
c. follow @emmasleepireland and @keoghsfarm on Instagram,
d. like the giveaway post on @emmasleepireland Instagram, and
e. comment and tag a friend with whom you would like to share Keogh’s snacks with during this festive season on the giveaway post on @emmasleepireland Instagram.
In entering the Giveaway, the Entrant confirms that they are eligible to do so and eligible to claim the Prize. Emma Sleep may require the Entrant to provide eligibility proof.
The following individuals are excluded from the giveaway:
1. employees of Emma – The Sleep Company;
2. employees of agents or suppliers of Emma – The Sleep Company who are professionally connected with the giveaway or its administration; or
members of the immediate families or households of (a) and (b) above.
How the Competition Works: The giveaway closes on the giveaway End Date. Any entries made in accordance with the giveaway must be submitted during the giveaway Period. Any entries made before the giveaway Opening Date after the giveaway Closing Date shall be deemed invalid and therefore not considered.
By entering the Giveaway, the Entrant agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
Prizes: The one (1) winning entrant of the competition (Winner) will receive (the Prize):
1. A set of Keogh’s Farm favourite products: Roast Turkey & Secret Stuffing, Shamrock & Sour Cream, Irish Atlantic Sea Salt.
2. The Prize is not transferable or negotiable.
3. The Prize must be claimed within 1 day after communicated by Emma – The Sleep Company.
How a Winner is Selected: The winners will be randomly selected by one of our team members. No personal data will be shared while randomly selecting the winner. Emma – The Sleep Company’s decision is final.
The Winners will be contacted by the Instagram Direct Message by December 20th, 2024.
All reasonable efforts will be made to contact the Winners but if the Prize is declined or unclaimed by a Winner, or if a Winner cannot be contacted, for whatever reason, a replacement Winner will be selected based on the same random selection and will be notified on the same terms. The original Winner and their entry will then be forfeited. A Prize may not be claimed by a third party on the Entrant’s behalf. It is the responsibility of the Entrant to provide their correct, up-to-date details when entering the Promotion and/or confirming acceptance of the Prize in order for the Prize to be processed. The Promoter cannot be held responsible for winners failing to supply accurate information which affects Prize Acceptance or delivery of their Prize.
Emma – The Sleep Company must either publish or make available information that indicates that a valid competition took place. To comply with this obligation, Emma – The Sleep Company will announce the winner on their Instagram page.
Emma – The Sleep Company’s rights: Emma – The Sleep Company reserves the right at any time to cancel, modify or supersede the giveaway if, acting reasonably, the giveaway cannot be conducted as specified.
Emma – The Sleep Company reserves the right to substitute the Prize for another Prize of equal value, in the event that circumstances beyond its control make this unavoidable.
If there is any reason to believe that there has been a breach of these Terms and Conditions, Emma – The Sleep Company may, at its sole discretion, reserve the right to exclude you from participating in the giveaway.
Governing Law: These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by Irish law, and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Ireland.